Friday, August 26, 2016


Fayette ward comes together!!! :)
Oh my goodness! This room was full of people!! I wanted to cry to see
all of these smiling faces wanting to talk with each other! We had
about 60 people!!! This is Chris with the fork and Rebecca is with
Emily! :) oh, it was a really good day! This was Sunday! We were asked
to put together a ward party so that the ward could watch the new
Whitmer film! So we planned it and in two weeks it was thrown together
and it was a great success!!! Yay for the Fayette ward! I was talking
to a sister in the ward and she said that she has never seen so many
people at a ward linger longer!!! Yay for people coming to Christ!

More pictures from the Sunday linger longer!

My crazy boys!! This is Noah he was baptized March 20th(left) little brother Sydney (right)

Jean, Sydney, and Noah! Crazy Macaroni and CHEESE boys! Haha, They saw me taking pictures and had to have their picture taken! Oh, I just love them!! I have gotten to go to Seneca Falls with the Sisters to teach them on exchanges the last couple of weeks which has been a tender mercy! Jean is such a good other brother and loves to listen to me when we have our lessons and reads and prays with his little brothers! They are a sweet family!
I love my crazy boys!!! :)

I don't remember if I let you know this but the other day one of the
sweet Senior Sisters gave me a hug and told me that Elder Oaks told
her personally to find me and take me (Little Sister LeBaron) for the
tour I gave him at the Grandin Building!! :) My heart got really warm
as I hugged this sister! I know that my Father in Heaven knows me and
loves me!! He knows exactly what I need and sends angles to bring me

Love from my angels 

Grandma and Grandpa LeBaron have been those angels with me in New York! A thousand miles away from my family and yet I get to have THEM so close to me!! I am grateful for them and their sacrifice in raising their kids so well!! I am so grateful for this picture of them! I keep it close to my heart always!

Wearing my new shirt!!! :) Yay I love it! :) thank you! I wore the
dress on Wednesday to the site meeting! :)

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