Monday, August 15, 2016


This is sweet Emily and I!!

Emily and Emmett (Rebecca's kids) these two kids LOVE CHURCH!! :) I don't think I have seen kids love the church so much! Cute Emily always sits right next to me so she can hear me sing the Hymns and she sings along with me!! :) Oh, they melt my heart! They are one of the reasons I needed to stay in Waterloo.

Driving home from our shifts in Palmyra and we came across a stinky skunk!! Yuck

Noah lives in Seneca Falls so the other sisters teach him! I have
missed him a lot because they weren't coming to church for a while! He
showed up and his face just lit up when he saw me and gave me a big
hug and wanted to sit next to me! I am so grateful that he remembers
who I am! He drew me a picture of Jesus Christ! Oh, I love this little
boy and his family!! What a tender mercy!

Online at the Smith Farm

My sweet family that I gave a tour to at the Smith Farm!!
We had such an amazing time together

Beautiful flowers!

Dad this made me think of you!! :) ‏           
I saw this when we walked into the library just now and had to send it
to you! :)

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