Tuesday, August 2, 2016


"Hello LeBarons!  This is Raelene and Rob Blocker.  We used to live in South Weber and we are visiting Palmyra.  Your sweet daughter just gave us a wonderful tour of the printing press.  She says hi and she loves you so much!!"

Waterloo's Beautiful Library!! Reminds me of Beauty and the Beast!

Sister DeLair and her twin Sister Reitmann!! :) Playing cards and having pizza.

My mission Grandma is going home next week...:( She trained my trainer!

Sister Embley's Special Day!! :) 19 and 1/2!!

We served at the Smith Farm and I got to take an awesome youth group through! Haha they were so much fun and full of the spirit! They told me that I reminded them of a Disney Princess and that made my day!! :) During our walk to the frame home and I told them to keep their eyes out for a Sister Embley with brown curly hair so that we could all wish her a HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY!! They thought that was so funny! I told them that they had to celebrate half birthdays when they got on their missions.  haha I LOVE LOVE LOVE youth groups and SISTER EMBLEY!!!

MY HEART WAS SO FULL after going to the Temple! After a tour I gave I was walking back on Stafford Road back to the welcome center and stopped at my favorite place on the road and looked at the temple and since no one was around I sang I love to see the Temple!! I am so grateful that my Family is forever and because of the temple I can be sealed to my future family as well!! :) TEMPLES ARE THE BEST!!

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