Monday, June 27, 2016


Ice Cream break at the Grandin Building with my Sis. Smith (MTC COMP), Sis. Olivia, and Sister Johansen!

Happy Half Birthday to me!! Haha that was a fun party! I love my Sisters!!!

Transfer Calls in the happening!! Ahhh the nerves are getting to all of us! Where are we going?? 

Sister Johansen doing her daily search for FROGS!

New Whitmer Farm Sisters!! Sister Topham is now our STL!!! :) Yay!!

Sleep over transfer night tradition!!! :) 

Yay for fun people taking our pictures and sending them to you!! Sis. Johansen's family didn't know them just a random lady had a missionary out and wanted to send some love to our parents! :)
The picture was taken at the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center! :)

TEXT from Lisa Cartwright Busath "Your sweet daughters were our tour guides today at the Whitmer Farm.  Our daughter Lexy is on the left.  She just is getting released from her mission in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Just another fun fact.  I grew up with Cynthia Smith LeBaron in Sacramento California.  Her father was my first visit when I joined the church at 13."

Me, Sis. Johansen, Sis. Embley, and Sis. Ankeny!!! Sis. Ankeny is a
convert of 2 years and she is wonderful!! We have lots of fun
together! We enjoy long walks around the Whitmer Farm, and laughing a
bunch! Haha, we love serving the Lord the best we can!!

Avie & Hailey Carson from South Weber - (don't know her married name) at the Smith Home.

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