Thursday, July 7, 2016


I found a fellow Hawaiian friend.  His name is Elder Tausinga :) He was very nice!! :) I took his family on a tour of the Hill Cumorah and I asked where he served his mission and he said Hawaii and I asked how long he has been home and he said about 2 years!! Then I asked if he knew a Sister LeBaron and an Elder Durocher??? I whipped out the picture I have of you too in my Book of Mormon with me and before I even showed him he totally remember Morgan!! He saw the picture and he could not believe that you are my brother-in-law!!! :) It was such a happy moment!! I hope you recognize his face and get in contact with him!! :)  

Goodbyes to President Francis and his wife!! :( ‏
They are so full of LOVE! I am excited to keep them in my life for the rest of my life!!
They have changed my life and have a very special part in my heart!!  

Oh NOOOOOO!!!!!!! :( :/ ‏

We were helping a lady in our ward move as a district and Sister Johansen took a spill down the stairs and pretty much broke her leg! :( We said lots of prayers and went to the ER, the good news it is not broken but she needs to take it easy and rest up because we need her healthy and well for PAGEANT coming up!!!

More "backing" training from our District Leader!!!

Elder Larson is training his new missionary (Elder Vilela from Peru) how to properly back a mission car!! Hahaha so funny!! :) 

Ryan Cook family from South Weber :-)

Ray Eddington family from Orlando, Florida

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