Monday, April 10, 2017


I love this cute family I took on tour at the Whitmer!!  It was so so so great to be back at the Whitmer Farm!! They close the Whitmer Farm to sisters during the winter because not a lot of people go to the senior couples just serve there!! It was my first time since I lived there that I got to go back!! What a tender mercy!! Driving through good ol'Waterloo brought back so many amazing faith-building memorizes!! I just love my mission so much!!! What a blessing!! I have learned so much it is amazing!
Text received April 5, 2017
"We just took a tour from your sweet missionary!  She is darling and beautiful.  What a great young lady she is!!"

I went on exchanges with Sister Ringler to the Whitmer Farm!!! We were both so busy taking tours we didn't really see each other all day!! We were so busy because April 6th was the next day and everyone wanted to be there around the time the church was organized!!

I spent time with cute Sister Sassler in Brighton!! Yes, Sister Sassler was my companion in Kenmore!! It was so wonderful to be with her for the day and continue to learn from her!! We had so much fun finding, finding, and more finding in the pouring rain! Haha, we had a lot of funny moments but also so many miracles!!

Exchanges with Sis. Sassler.  Brighton is the greatest!!(No subject)

Our last district meeting...but I was in Brighton! Haha, so they took this picture with me.
No subject)

Friday we got to go to MLC and it was so wonderful plus it was SOOOOO nice to be back with Sister Miller again after being apart for so long!! MLC is one of the most spirit-filled meetings I have ever been to!

Hahaha when Sister Miller won speed during MLC, Sister LeBaron decided to make this photo...and airdropped it to EVERYONE!(No subject)

I'm sad to be leaving the GVB!(No subject)

Amy's house on Sunday for lunch!  They all listened to us get our training call!! Haha(No subject)

Sun is shining!! Its p-day!! It's a good day!!  The adventures of LeBler continue...with twins!!!! WHAT THE WHAT THE!!!!!! Sister Miller and I got a call from President letting us know that the Lord has called us to train new sisters and be STL's still together! When Pres. called us he was nervous to tell us that we would be splitting because he knew how much we loved each other but he assured us that we will still be STL's together! :) We will be living in the same apt together just in different rooms with our trainees!! Sister Miller will train in the GVB and I will flush train in Irondequoit! I don't really remember how to knock on doors or be in a family ward but hopefully, I will figure it out fast! So that is the news!! Crazy huh! Lots of tears that we won't be together but still living in the same house and working together as STL's is the next best thing! Today the weather is so so nice so we are going to go play at the park as a zone! :)

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