Monday, April 3, 2017


On Monday we went to the Grandin Building for the Birthday Celebration of the Book of Mormon!! It is 187 years old!!! We got to go with the GVB branch and it was so much fun! Some of our cute sisters and senior couples were dressed up and acted the part to tell the story of the Book of Mormon coming forth! So powerful!! The spirit was so great! 

After we went to Chill N Grill with our cute branch and got ice cream!! Yummy!!!

A sister wanted to do our lipstick so we let her! :) haha sassy

We went to do service at the community center and finished our posters for the can soup fundraiser they are doing! We had a lot of fun with it!! 

We got to go to the TEMPLE!! What a blessing!! It has been since Sept. 7th!! That is way too long!! But I am grateful that I get to go at all on my mission!! I was able to feel the spirit so greatly in the temple and it was wonderful preparation for General Conference!

I couldn't stop laughing as we were making the April Fools Sponge Brownies!!

Sister Miller's mom always makes sponge brownies! They are so funny! They look like brownies but are sponges!! So Sister Miller and I made them this year and took them to the Hill Cumorah as "General Conference Brownies" was so funny to watch the sisters and senior couples take a nice big bite out of those and realize they were getting pranked:) It was great. Love serving with the Senior Couples and Sisters!!!

General Conference

This is us right now!  We love you!

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