Tuesday, April 25, 2017


The group of us! Only missing a couple!

Oh my goodness I love this girl so much!!! Glad to know her!! BFFS

Celebrating my 15 Month Mark!!! What the heck!

We had an egg role as a zone (where you role your egg at another egg and one will crack and be out and one will continue on) and my egg lost on the first round! :( dang it! Haha I named it Egglantia and drew the ocean on it! :)

Late night (9:30 pm) adventures

TEXT MESSAGE 4/23/14 "Having dinner with beautiful Sister LeBaron. We love having her in our ward!"

Oh the red stripe dress you sent me has a rip in it and I was wondering how I can exchange it for a different dress?!? :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Companions for four months, FRIENDS 4-EVER

Sister Miller - one year mark!

Just looking at the beautiful Hill Cumorah

Nervous to get new companions

Transfer day...we were so sad to see our roomies leave us

Classic pic by the NYRM sign

Here we go....

My companion's name is Sister Boulter from Alpine, Utah.  She is so great!!! We have been having a great time this week!!

Sister Dickey (from New Zealand) & Sister Miller

Our apartment missionary squad

Sister Boulter & Sister LeBaron

BED BUGS - We think we brought one home from one of our lessons! Yucky!! They are gone now we think!! 

You're never too old to color eggs:)

Happy Happy Easter!

Easter Sunday - it has been a lot of meeting new people this week which has been so good!   Everyone is way surprised when they see us to find out that both of their cute sisters were transferred out! Some sad faces but a lot of excited ones too! :) We love to ward already!! We introduced ourselves in Relief Society and we had to tell how long we have been out! I told them I am from Utah and have been out for about 15 months and then Sister Boulter tells them she has been out for 5 days and the crowd of ladies just went crazy! Haha they were clapping and yelling! It was so funny!  What a warm welcome!

My best friend

Found out today that my mom and dad went to school with Sis Boulter's dad Brent (they are the same age) and ALSO her Grandma Jane Boulter was my sister Camrie's 6th Grade teacher at Alpine Elementary.  Such a fun connection we found today!  OH MY GOODNESS!!! That is crazy!!!!! :) Yes Gma Boulter is still alive and well!!!! We are just freaking out right now that is just too crazy!!! That is so cute!!!   Also found out that my friend Todd Zimmerman's mom (a friend from my senior year) is best friends with Sister Boulter's mom!?!?! Crazy connections all over the place!!

Smith Farm

Me trying to fill out paperwork so I can go to school at UVU when I get home in August - AHHHH!

 Amy (from the GVBranch) works at the library and she is going to figure out the notary public thing for me!!  What a blessing!! :)  NOTE FROM AMY:  Hi Sister Sue LeBaron! Your daughter is amazing! I adore her! I wanted to say hi to you electronically :) Sister LeBaron showed me your beautiful Easter family photo so I feel I kind of know you already!  Hugs, Amy