Tuesday, January 24, 2017


(new sister trainers in their zone)
My one year mark day!!! :) Jan 20th   oh my goodness the things I have learned in this year! I can not thank my Father in heaven enough for all the miracles in this year! I am grateful for the deep conversion that has taken place in my heart for Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the restoration! What a  blessing it is to be in the Lords work!! :) Thank you for all our love and support!! :)

Comp Unity... Last pday we both bought these ear warming running bands to match!! :)  haha I love this girl so much! It has been such a blessing that she likes to run! We go running every morning and it is so great! This morning we were running the the snow with it flying into our eyeballs! Haha it made for a good time! :) oh my goodness mom I just want you and the family to go party with her family in Kaysville!! :)

Our Wednesday Oopsie:) haha  Wednesday we had an all day shift at the Hill!! Our no sugar streak ended that day......one of the senior couples brought ice cream and brownies!!(No subject)

Emailing our cute families!!

What our week looked like!! :) (No subject)  

Service on Saturday! Where we got called "too white bread" oh New York (No subject)

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