Friday, March 25, 2016


Breaking out the white legs tracting!!! ;) HAHA

Peter Whitmer Farm GIRLS!!! (We might have two sisters moving in with us to take half of our area away :( sad to think of our area splitting but excited for cute sisters!!)

Our silliness after daily planning!! (releasing our wiggles) HAHA

Our cutie-pie Noah just got baptized on Sunday the 20th.

We planted some trees at a girl's camp they have up here!! It was so much fun getting dirty!!

We get to serve at the sacred grove and give tours around the Smith Farm!! I love my LIFE!!

She told me to be serious with our matching water bottles!! I look like I am going to hurt someone and she looks like that!! haha, we laughed pretty hard after looking at this picture!!

We know how to celebrate!! Wearing green and eating our lucky charms on St. Patties day!! ‏

Here is a picture of Noah's baptism!! Funny kid.

This is us studying the site guide manuals!! Haha, party!

Us giving tours at the Grandin Building!! :)

Working hard or hardly working ;)

Relief Society dinner party!! Kira (RC), me, Sis. Crofts, and Sis. Turner (Noah's mommy)

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