Friday, February 5, 2016


Twinner dresses

New roomates

Sierra sent me Kevin!! He loves brownies!

All from my sweet sister Sierra in Florida

This is our Leah!!! The one that loved how short I am and how tall I am sitting.

Yay for cute companion hair bow pics

Sister LeBaron, Smith, Hulet, and Ball

This is our Sweet Sidney!! We love her and miss her like crazy.

Temple time

Sister Pinhey, Borla, LeBaron, and Smith

Yay for MTC P-day writing letters stuff!!!

Elder Soto, Horne, Staley, Ruska, Leishman, and Roos!! This is an old picture sorry.

We left our sack lunches out side in the snow to stay cold cuz we didn't have time to eat them before the temple! When we got back they were still there! Happy day!

Sister Smith and I in our humble room.

All of us heading to Salt Lake for training!!   

Sis. Davis and I are in Temple Square! She was amazing! I loved talking to everyone we saw! Soo much fun! We made goals of how many pass-along cards we would give out before we got there and I gave all that I wanted to with the help of the Lord! It was definitely a testimony builder!

Packing...  :O

Our MTC family!

Sister Sister

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