Monday, February 29, 2016


This is a picture of us last Monday going to zone p-day.

We got a car wash!

This is in the basement of the Hill Cumorah Visitor Center where Sis. Stoddard and Sis. Crofts practiced for their two concerts. We have a beautiful art exhibit from Liz Swindel. They are all wonderful paintings of Christ. Each one of them has a special spirit about it. They are just my favorite, you should look up Liz Swindel. Mom you know that painting of Christ on your mirror in your room is from her. I get to look at the original all the time! Wow I just love them. On Saturday night we had a night for all the VIP (bishops and mayors..etc) to come and look at them and on Sunday night was the open house. A bunch of people came and it was fun to talk with them about the paintings and ask which one was their favorite! Sis. Crofts played her viola and Sis. Stoddard played the piano! You want to know something way cool???? Sis. Stoddard's companion is Sis. Woolf! So we got to be companions and take people on tours together!!!!  

This is Sis. Crofts and I helping our dear Sis. Gahn!!! We put together her TV thing!! It made me think of me and my daddy making all sorts of things!

You can kinda see in the left-hand corner a Mennonite woman with a bonnet on!

This is our very favorite place to go!!! Sauders!!! It is a Mennonite (Amish kind of people) store! It is huge and has delicious locally grown stuff!!! We love their salads, pies, and ice cream!!! Yummy! We go here often! This was us just before we came to email!!!

I need to take more pictures of the landscape because it is beautiful! I never have time to take out my camera and take pictures!!! We have wonderful lakes next to us that are breathtaking! Some are so big that I pretend it is the ocean! haha, I will never get tired of the beautiful 1800's houses here! They all are so spectacular! There is this one corner in Palmyra with 4 beautiful Churches on each corner!! :) I need to take a picture of it! 

Monday, February 22, 2016


These are our treats we made for zone p-day today!
We are having a cook off! I hope we win with our yummy peanut butter things!!

Sis. Crofts and I have decided to eat healthy for 3 weeks so we grabbed all of our yummy food around the house and locked it up in the kitchen.

Funny pictures from Sis. Crofts... I am bad at taking selfies! HAHA

Monday, February 15, 2016


This is where I live! On the left is the Whitmer log cabin (you can barely see it), the beautiful white building in the middle is a visitor center just for the farm and it is combined with our church building that we meet in every Sunday (it is built to match the time period of when the church was established), and last but not least our beautiful home on the right! It is very nice built in 1841 it is called a Greek revival home...whatever that means! I just know it is beautiful inside and out!!

Hello from Waterloo, NY!!! I kinda live on the PETER WHITMER FARM!!!!! NO BIG DEAL!!! ;) HAHA

Here is a picture I took this morning of the Whitmer home! So neat!

Here is our visitor center/church building!!! Sis. Crofts and I get to walk across the road to use the church gym every morning! I love it!

And here is our home!!! We live in the right side and we have a tunnel door thing that connects to the left side where the Fulmers live! They are our cute couple missionaries!! There are a ton of senior couple missionaries in our mission!! But isn't this house beautiful! Look at our morning sunrise! 

Sister Crofts my wonderful, heaven sent trainer!!!!!!!! I love her!!! She has the kindest heart!! She loves missionary work ALMOST as much as I do!!! ;) haha Life is so good here in our little town of Waterloo in the Fayette Ward!!

Looky who I found!! It is my friend Sister Ashley Woolf!!! I love love her!! I almost cried when I saw her I was so happy to wrap my arms around her!! ‏

This picture was taken on Saturday!! It was -22 degrees outside, so that is kinda cold! We were told not to go out tracking so Sis. Crofts and I got some valentines ready with a card and candy for some of the less active sweet people in our ward!!

We also played skip-bo with Sis. DeLair

If you look up on google maps, you will see how small our town is and how Sis. Crofts and I live in the middle of no-where.  There are just fields everywhere. These pictures were taken a couple of days ago and now there is snow everywhere.

These are what all the homes look like here.  I am in Heaven.

They are all really old and Victorian-looking.

Motion sickness is a struggle!! Haha, Really tho on these little country roads.

Here is my CRAZY driver and my motion sickness pill that work wonders!  haha

On our cold day, we made Plan of Salvation things!  I love crafts!  So much fun.

Super duper cute home.

Here are some pictures from inside our home.

My missionary smile!!! Hoping to warm up some of these old-timers' hearts.  There are so many old people here! Wow!

Yay for the Peter Whitmer Farm Home!  Super windy and cold today!  I love it.

Friday, February 5, 2016



Twinner dresses

New roomates

Sierra sent me Kevin!! He loves brownies!

All from my sweet sister Sierra in Florida

This is our Leah!!! The one that loved how short I am and how tall I am sitting.

Yay for cute companion hair bow pics

Sister LeBaron, Smith, Hulet, and Ball

This is our Sweet Sidney!! We love her and miss her like crazy.

Temple time

Sister Pinhey, Borla, LeBaron, and Smith

Yay for MTC P-day writing letters stuff!!!

Elder Soto, Horne, Staley, Ruska, Leishman, and Roos!! This is an old picture sorry.

We left our sack lunches out side in the snow to stay cold cuz we didn't have time to eat them before the temple! When we got back they were still there! Happy day!

Sister Smith and I in our humble room.

All of us heading to Salt Lake for training!!   

Sis. Davis and I are in Temple Square! She was amazing! I loved talking to everyone we saw! Soo much fun! We made goals of how many pass-along cards we would give out before we got there and I gave all that I wanted to with the help of the Lord! It was definitely a testimony builder!

Packing...  :O

Our MTC family!

Sister Sister