Tuesday, May 2, 2017


Smith Farm for the New Sister Training! We were there all day and the weather was so nice!! We were taken on a tour by the VCT and the site director and it was so inspiring!! I told them that this is something that should be done every 6 months on the mission because it was just so good! I got to take cute Sister Meyer on a tour! She is from California and just the sweetest!! We had a really nice time full of the spirit and then she took me on a tour and it was powerful!


Fayette Ward Talent Show!!!! Remember last year when I sent home the video of us missionaries singing and dancing to the Missionary rap song!! I got to see all of my family from that ward!! Oh I was just on cloud nine!! I saw Brother Becker and Sister Poormon and the Turner Family! Remember Noah Turner that we taught and baptized!! So so so so happy!!! They all reminded me that my mission must be coming to an end and I would tell them no no no and Sister Boulter would then say that I am in denial! I STILL HAVE A LONG TIME OKAY!! Haha

Brother Becker

Sister Poormon

What a Goof Ball!

Oh man she cracks me up!! (No subject)

Sadie's gonna give a BOM out!!  We had a lesson that night with Sadie and went over the Baptismal Interview questions and just feel so good about the 20th of May for her!! She just needs to come to church every Sunday!! 

This week has been full of great things and one not so great thing that just really came out of nowhere!!! ALLERGIES to the max.....it has been pretty horrendous! Tissues and Benadryl have been the center of my daily life nowadays! Oh well!! I think Joseph Smith said it best when he said "Allergies may rage, runny nose and soar throat may combine, tissues may assemble and itchy eyes may defame but the TRUTH OF GOD WILL GO FORTH BOLDLY, NOBLY AND INDEPENDENT"...haha I may or may not be paraphrasing here!! Haha 

Elders sent this to us!

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