Monday, September 26, 2016


Our mommy van!! (No subject)

Ward clean up party! :) (No subject)

This is my Buffalo North Zone!! :)
Matching ties and scarfs...fancy! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


My mission health motto!!! Good for everyone to study and put into action!!! Give it a try!! I promise your "temples" will thank you spiritually and physically!!

Zone Pday!! We are a goofy bunch!! But tight like a family!! Children
all serving our king!!! :) we love it!! Ps: I received the best
compliment from a couple of the elders while SCHOOLING them in basketball...haha...
They asked if I played in high school!!! :) that was fun!!

Sister Ewell!! We went on an exchange on the 29th! After p-day!! ‏           

Rainy day at the Grandin last Wednesday! Found a praying mantis on the 2nd-floor window! ‏           

Also the study room at the Grandin!! It was raining and thundering and the lighting and colors and fancy decorations made me feel like a detective!!! Fun fun fun!! I just love being a missionary! My mission is the best!! I have been thinking a lot about how it should be illegal to have so much GOOD fun of your mission!! ;) oh well!!

Here is our CHEETOS that joined us!! (That's not a CHEETOS, that is a caterpillar, Agnes!!) haha, good times! Elder Stoneman and Elder Leon (DL)!! Awesome


We got in the corn that surrounds our house...the Peter whitmer farm
Soaking in the sun before it goes away!! Can't believe summer went by so fast!! But I am REALLY excited for fall!! Halloween, thanksgiving, leaves, hot chocolate, pie, cardigans, and apple cider!!!

Sis. Jones has been wanting me to come over for a long time and see how my flowers are doing!! (Sis. Crofts and I planted these from seeds for her as service!!!) She let us take some home for our kitchen table!! Yay so beautiful!!

Sis. Jones cute yard!!

She also had a fun swing! Beautiful sky, corn, grass, and trees!! My home here in New York is the best!
Cute Sis. Barrett and I got to go on exchanges that day!! We had miracles happen!! We also got to go visit sis. DeLair and play Skip bo with my favorite skip bo player in all of New York! Don't worry mommy you are still my VERY favorite skip bo player in the whole world!!! :) ;) :) Lots of love

Yummy peaches and beautiful flowers from Sis. Jones!! And beautiful Sis. Barrett!! One of my greatest friends!

Hahahaha there is a funny story behind this snail!!! ‏           
We were walking to the sacred grove to have studies one morning(okay
come on what other missionary gets to say that!!! I am so lucky) and I
found this cute snail!! I bent down to take a picture sister Johansen
thought I was moving it and then she laughed that I wanted a picture
of a snail!! It was a cute little tender mercy and I wasn't going to
let it go by I snapped a pic! Oh I just thought it was
so cute!

But I realized that it was too cute not to take another with on of my favorite pass along pictures of Christ!! So now I can have it as a back ground picture on my IPad! Reminding my of the tender mercies Christ puts in my path everyday!! Yay I love it!! Haha

My beautiful companion!!

I brought my FAVORITE PEOPLE to the grove today!! :) ‏           

My wonderful cute FAMILY!!! I almost cried taking this picture!! I am SOOO excited for you all to be here with me someday!! I just know you are going to love it as much maybe even more than I do!! Haha
I love all of you guys so much!! You are all in my prayers!!! Keep to the rod and follow the prompting of the spirit!!!

FAMILY:  Also while waiting at the doctors office I was studying true to the faith!! I LOVE this book it is full of happy goodness!! This was the Saturday before fast Sunday so I was turning to fasting and flipped to FHE!!! Brought back a lot of faith building moments with my cute family!! I wouldn't trade those nights for ANYTHING in the WHOLE WORLD!!! My family is GREATEST!! Thank you for all being so wonderful and faithful to our Savior and Heavenly Father! :) it means a lot!! Keep up the good work! Don't let FHE go by the way side! :) we are blessed!!

All my house friends!! We are going for a drive! Look at our finds!

Beauty!! This is what it looks like ALL around me!! So if you think of New York City when you think of my mission think again!! It is the opposite!

Peaceful, fields, sunshine, trees and HUGE lakes( that remind me of the ocean they are so big)!

Grateful for my mission life!!

Heart Apple!! Of course I made Sis. Johansen take a picture!! Haha

Twiners at site meeting this morning with cute Sis. Ingersoll!!! She is FROM Idaho and we are hoping to be companions one day!! :) haha

Sorry!! Today is my Pday! I love you! Thank you for sending your
email!! We are at lunch at the cutest place right now!! On the Erie
Canal!! So cute and sailory!! I am in pirate/sailor heaven!

We needed some good laughs while we waited at the doctors office!!! Haha oh boy did we laugh!! Haha 
This picture is what we like to call "Comp unity!!!" Haha 

Hahahahaha it gets me every time!! Haha

I am a square face missionary with a silly monkey as a companion!! Haha

Here's to you, Dad!!! :)
Beautiful blue New York sky with white wind mills blowing in the breeze!!

Scripture study group getting pumped for GENERAL CONFERENCE!! :)
We taught it this week and it was all about prophets!! Old prophets,
New prophets, ALL prophets receive revelation from God on what we need
to be doing to come closer to Him and Christ!! The church has come out
with a couple new videos on about "Mormon Beliefs" we shared
the one on prophets!! Sooooooo good and short and colorful!! Please
look them up and watch them! And then be ready to share them when the
spirit guides!!

Muddy Waters Cafe!!!

The cutest cafe on the Erie Canal!! We went there today after site meeting! It was so good and pretty!! Yay!
Family!! We are going here when you come!! :)
Pirate boat and cute stuff like that all over!! I am in heaven!!

My cute Sister sisters!!! :)

Love the green and water!!

Oh I love to see the temple!!  I went inside TODAY!! Mission rules have changed.... I won't get to go
for 6 months for myself....but hey that's okay!! So family you need to
pick up my slack! Please go to the temple as much as you can these
next months and write to me the miracles that you see as you serve
more fully our Father in Heaven and His children!!!

Goofballs at the Grandin!! When it got slow!!

Sis. Bergstrom and I were enjoying a wonderful quite time together when we turn around and see our companions standing there like this!! We were all almost crying we were laughing so hard!! Haha
They are practically my grandparents!! Oh I love them so much!!

I had to give the hat a try!! Haha

Sis. LeBaron, we met this awesome sister missionary today. 
She was a joy to talk with and has a sweet testimony.  You should be proud.